The College of Law participates in the project “TRUSTvGLP”, organized by ERASMUS+. Its purpose is to create a digital platform for account game, i.e., to prepare accountants and finance specialists for the labour market in an interactive manner, presenting knowledge in a unique and interesting form. Teams of educational institutions of Latvia, Turkey, Spain, Poland and Romania are involved in the project. 2nd participant meeting is held here - in Latvia (30.06.2017)
Members of the Latvian College Association at the reception in the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in the PRC (March 29, 2017)
Director of the College of Law T. Jundzis and deputy director I. Lūce are meeting the Hao Ping, Dean of the Faculty of European languages and culture of the University of Beijing (March 28, 2017)
Delegation of the Latvian College Association (including representatives of the College of Law) at the University of Beijing (March 28, 2017)
Opening of the photo exhibition of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Latvia Dz. Rasnačs “See the beauty around you” (October 20, 2016)
Upon beginning of the new study year Minister of Justice Dz. Rasnačs has arrived to congratulate the students and administration of the College (September 1, 2016)
We renew cooperation agreement with the Academic Library of the University of Latvia (April 20, 2016)
Deputies of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara M. Beridze and T. Bolkvadze are visiting us
(October 17, 2015)
Meeting at the Supreme Council of Adjara
(Batumi, September 16, 2015)
New York, June 23-25, 2015
at the PRME international forum
(2015 Global Forum for Responsible Management Education – 6th PRME Assembly) the College of Law was represented by A.Šneidere-Kalvīte and I.Lūce.
Exhibition “Education abroad” in Ukraine
(Kiev, November 14-16, 2013)
At the exhibition in Kiev, November 14-16, 2013
College stand at the exhibition in Bulgaria
“Education beyond borders”
(Sofia, October 18-20, 2013)
During the experience exchange trip of the Latvian College Association the participants familiarized with the work methods of the U.S. Education institutions at LaGuardia Community College, Borough of Manhattan Community College and Bergen Community College, and visited the UN headquarters and the Representation of the Republic of Latvia to the UN.
LCA experience exchange trip, November 11-18, 2012, New York
Opening of the personal exhibition of A. Borovkovs, 21.04.2009.

Opening of the photo exhibition of the students and lecturers of the College of Law within the framework of Lawyers’ Day. Common picture of the award winners